Industria Berriak

Lorategiko tresnen industriaren garapenaren ezaugarriak eta joerak

(1) International manufacturing transfer, domestic manufacturers develop independent brand building With the increase in production costs, garden tool manufacturers in developed countries in Europe and the United States have changed their minds and transferred their production and manufacturing to developing countries. On the one hand, they build production bases in developing countries, such as STIHL, TTI, Komatsu, etc. In terms of cooperation with domestic manufacturers using OEM, ODM and other models, these cooperation models have created business opportunities for domestic garden tool manufacturers. When domestic manufacturers cooperate with foreign manufacturers, they carry out product quality management and production according to the requirements of the other party. Foreign manufacturers regularly inspect the production management process and product quality. This helps domestic manufacturers learn from the international advanced level. Improve the product development and production management capabilities of domestic manufacturers.

(2) Lorategiko tresnen produktuen ingurumen-babesa hobetu Azken urteotan, berotze globalarekin eta ingurumen-kutsadura larriarekin, jendeak gero eta arreta handiagoa jartzen dio ingurumenaren babesari. Lorategiko tresnei buruzko hainbat herrialdetako ingurumena babesteko legeen eta arauen eskakizunak handitzen ari dira pixkanaka, hala nola Europar Batasuneko II igorpen estandarrak eta AEBetako EPA estandarrak. Lorategiko tresnen garapenak ingurumena babesteko eskakizun handiagoak izateko joera du.

(3) The appearance needs of garden tool products are becoming increasingly diversified With the improvement of people's living standards, consumers prefer a beautiful and novel product on the basis of environmental protection and practicality when choosing garden tool products. Garden tool products are mainly used for export to European and American countries, so their design should meet the aesthetic standards of European and Americans. 

(4) Lorategiko tresnen produktuen automatizazio eta funtzio anitzeko maila handitu egin da Zientzia eta teknologiaren garapenarekin, lorategiko tresnen produktuen automatizazio maila handitzen jarraitzen du. Esate baterako, gasolina zerra produktuek balazta automatikoko gailu bat dute, oso denbora laburrean biratzeari utz diezaiokeena, produktuaren erabileraren segurtasuna eraginkortasunez hobetzen duena. Lorategiko tresnen produktuen etorkizuneko garapen-aukerak zabalak dira. Lehenik eta behin, ekonomia globalaren garapenarekin eta pertsonen bizi-maila hobetzearekin batera, gero eta eskaria gero eta handiagoa da bizi-ingurune osasuntsu eta on bat eta bizitza berderako. Lorategiko tresnen produktuak dagoeneko Europa eta Estatu Batuetako herrialde garatuetakoak izan dira. Familian ezinbesteko eguneroko beharrak; bigarrenik, garapen bidean dauden herrialdeek pixkanaka-pixkanaka berdetzeari arreta handiagoa ematen dioten heinean, udal lorategietan eta autobideen eraikuntzan inbertitzea areagotu dute, lorategiko tresna eta produktuen eskaria areagotuz.
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